农历新年后,我决定卖了我的神魔之塔账户。虽然有点不舍,可是由于想要专心于其他方面,尤其是学业(因为第一学期的成绩没达标),我还是忍下心卖了我从A-Level开始经营两年的账户。我也更时常到学校上课,不依赖于recording,因为我爱拖延的个性会让我拖到周末才看,一次看10左右的课头脑负荷不了啦。在5月,由于有一个星期的时间准备,我低估了第一场Open Book考试,让我在考场上几乎崩溃,害怕会有人生中第一个Fail。第二年的第一学期,我变得比较努力,我觉得是最大功劳是我的新室友,每天在房间里啃书,然我也有动力读书,科科。粗心依旧是我最大的敌人,考试粗心也就算了,申请奖学金的日子也就这样错过了。(翻白眼)
除了读书,我也蛮积极参加课外活动,主要是为了让我的大学生活增添一些非凡元素。零垃圾及全球气候变化的影响让我想要为地球出一份力,一丁点也好。所以我参加了Earthlink NTU:第一年蛮积极地帮助CM老大出钱(时间也是钱XD)出力,主办的活动有“绿色星期一”和“素食讲堂”;第二年本来打算只是上位继承CM老大,最后却就上了VP的重要位子。上了这个位子才觉得责任重大。一开始蛮辛苦的,慢慢地觉得现在的辛苦可以换来以后的成就感,就觉得值得了。此外,因为MSA Welfare Officer这个位子,我还帮忙准备Malaysian Gathering和Supper Hop,学了不少东西。我也主动帮忙和参加其他活动:MSD 和 Oreintation 后都蛮累的,但累积了不少经验,认识了更多人。Rotaract Club的Night Cycling,Earthlink其他portfolio的活动如Terrarium worshop等(实在是太多了,懒惰一一打出来)
第一次在Hall Office上班,遇到的aunty们都很亲切。虽然一小时只有$7,可是有很多时间偷懒:玩pokemon、车大炮/谈天、打瞌睡、在外面喝凉茶;有很多东西吃:杯面、饼干、草莓干、水果、aunty带来的"过年饼"(误)nyonya饼啦;有很多东西捡:背包、衣服、鞋子、文具、食物、日常用品。此外,aunty有时还会请吃早餐、午餐:西餐、curry肉饭、McDonald、Roti Canai (应该是prata)、Nasi Lemak、Dunkin Donut、Long John Silver、Pizza Hut... 世界上怎么会有这么好的工作啊!相比之下一些朋友在做一小时$10的工作:虽然工资高,可是很压力,做错什么就会被骂,最后的收获还差不多。所以,凡事都有好有坏,人比人气死人。
除此之外,我还有机会住进Crescent/Pioneer (忘了是哪个)。虽然搬家时累死了,可是以Hall 1的价钱值得了。每晚工作完后,因为方便,我都还会跟朋友去健身、打羽球。可是过后没练,可惜了,健身应该要永恒才可以呀。
六月,我参加了Ecoventure,这真的是难得的经验。大家都互相扶持,一起欢乐。还有发现我是多么的喜欢拍照,第一次成功用手机拍银河系。最重要的是大家都相处得很好,那短短的两个星期后虽然大多数的我们都各忙各的,但我们都一直都有联系,有时聚一聚,还有去Outing。此外,Paddy Ranger 五缺一在Sitiawan、Bentong、Taman Negara、Pahang度过了2.0之旅。拍了很多照片,全都是回忆。
Ecoventure 2017让我发现我是有那么多喜欢拍照摄影,尤其是伴友们的鼓励和支持,还有一心想要拍更多美好的风景。Paddy Ranger去旅行之前我还特地到Amazon买了三脚架和wide lens,价钱有两百左右。那时因为没有打算买DSLR的念头,所以就这样投资了。第二年的第一学期第一个星期,我特地skip class寻宝赢得了GoPro Hero 5 Session。起初想卖了他,然后用卖到的钱买个DSLR,结果因为卖不出而放弃了。谁也没想到最后我会在在十二月时,而且是考完最后一张paper,匆匆忙忙还有挨饿(last paper在傍晚7点半完)去见卖家,买了人生第一个DSLR。虽然是二手的,可是我还蛮花心思和时间在Carousell慢慢survey价钱,问其他的expert然后才买的。所以说,我还真的投资了不少。
SprikeSilver's little space
Welcome to my blog! This blog will be mainly shared my experience for your reference and my own memories!
A. 零垃圾生活(我尽力就好,学生的生活还是难免会有不能避免的垃圾,请等待更新哟!)
B. 健身及运动生活(想摆脱我那肚腩,都是因为老妈子一直在碎碎念)
C. 每天要喝足够的水(因为我觉得我真的喝太少了,尿很时常黄黄的,还有想要让自己更健康地活下去)
1. 每听一首歌就要喝一口
B. 健身及运动生活(想摆脱我那肚腩,都是因为老妈子一直在碎碎念)
C. 每天要喝足够的水(因为我觉得我真的喝太少了,尿很时常黄黄的,还有想要让自己更健康地活下去)
1. 每听一首歌就要喝一口
My Experience: JPA Scholarship Interview in Ipoh, Perak 2014
before Interview
Several days before the
interview (11/04/2014), I checked online about of the date of interview. The
date of interviewing (16/04/2014) was so closed to the day I checked it!!!
OMG!!! After that, I realized that there are many days for the interview. I,
fortunately, had been called to attend the interview at 16/04/2014 (Wednesday).
Whereas my friend who came from same school with me, had been called to attend
at 14/04/2014 (Monday). So, she prepared to forgo her time to attend the
interview due to the inconvenience of transportation.
Those who are qualified should
log in into the website given. Then, one should complete the psychometric test
and print the slip to prove that you had finished the test. Besides, one ought
to download the notice letter which provides the details about the interview
and a form which must be filled in and certified to prove the monthly salary of
If you are the applicants for the years afterwards
and want to prepare the documents and the photocopies as soon as possible, here
is the guide for you to prepare all the compulsory things: (I copy the list
directly without translate it~)
- Documen-documen
/ Kad Pengenalan Calon;
Keputusan SPM Calon;
Kelahiran Calon dan Ibu/Bapa/Penjaga;
iv) Sijil-sijil Berhenti Sekolah;
Kewarganegaraan Ibu/Bapa/Penjaga;
vi) Kad Pesara / Slip Gaji
vii) Sijil-sijil Kegiatan Ko-Kurikulum
Tingkatan 4 dan 5 sahaja;
viii) Borang Pengesahan Pendapatan Bulanan
ix) Slip Bahasa Asing (sekiranya ada);
Pengesahan menduduki ujian psikometrik (*ujian psikometrik melalui http://www.interactive.jpa.gov.my/ukbp).
- Satu
salinan dokumen-dokumen seperti berikut:
i) MyKad / Kad Pengenalan Calon dan
ii) Sijil Kelahiran Calon dan
iii) Sijil-sijil Kewarganegaraan Calon
dan Ibu/Bapa/Penjaga;
iv) Borang Pengesahan Pendapatan Bulanan
Keluarga; dan
v) Slip Pengesahan menduduki ujian
are some of the frequently asked questions by the applicant. Firstly, “Sijil-sijil Kewarganegaraan Calon
dan Ibu/Bapa/Penjaga” which is stated in the notice letter is not required as applicants
and their parents were born in Malaysia. The other real documents and the
photocopies which are stated inside the letter are enough. Next, during the
interview, the stationery which is required includes the pencil(s), pen(s) and
an eraser only. Bottles of water and cell phones (even turned off) are
prohibited to be brought into the rooms of interview.
On the
day of interviewing
When reaching the venue stated,
the applicants were all gathered in the waiting room. Every applicant should be
present there 30 minutes before the time which is stated in the notice letter
for registration. On each day, the interview will be separated for 2 rounds,
one for morning and one for afternoon. Each round has 3 groups of applicants
(group=kelompok) and each group is divided into 3 teams (team=kumpulan). The range
of the applicants for each team is 5 to 7. The candidates were enthusiastic as
they greet each other very well.
In my team, there were 5 boys
(including me) and 2 girls. Most of them applied studying abroad to Germany or
France whereas one Malay guy and I choose Korea. Nobody choose Japan. 5 of us
(including me) wish to take the course of chemical engineering.
are 3 sections of interview:
- A
mind-challenging section (fully in BM)
- A debate
(fully in BM)
- A forum (fully in English)
section had 2 interviewers (a man and a woman) and members of each team were
divided again into 2 small group. In my team, we were divided into 3 and 4 per
small group respectively. All candidates are not allowed to take away any sheet
of paper there in each section. So, I could only flash back and write what I
could remember.
year was totally different from the past years because there was a
mind-challenging section. In the mind-challenging section, the questions given
were quite difficult for us. There was a limited time (around 5 min for each
question) for us to copy and solve the questions. Here are the questions:
- Use all number ‘1’ to ‘9’ to fill in each
blank square and get the answer of 15 by adding all three numbers
vertically, horizontally and obliquely.
The candidates should show the solution in
front of the interviewer and explain how to obtain the answer.
In my group, we explained our
answer in this way: (I had many ideas but were not able to explain well on the
(a) The maximum number at the centre
must be ‘5’ as the number over ‘5’ in the centre will cause the total number of
over ‘15’ whenever adding vertically, horizontally or obliquely. For example,
if ‘6’ at the centre, the largest number ‘9’ and even the smallest number ‘1’
at both sides oppositely will cause the total number of ‘16’, which is more
than ‘15’. The most suitable number is 5 because when the number at the centre
is less than 5, the total number whenever adding vertically, horizontally or obliquely
will be less than ‘15’.
(b) The numbers ‘7’, ’8’ and ’9’ cannot
meet at one line. Otherwise, the total number whenever adding vertically,
horizontally or obliquely will be more or less than ‘15’.
(c) The number ‘6’ should meet ‘7’ and
‘8’ in line respectively but cannot meet ‘9’ to avoid the total number of over
(d) The other numbers – ‘1’, ‘2’, ‘3’
and ‘4’ can be attempted to be placed at the blank square to get the correct
answer. The sum of numbers at both sides oppositely must be ‘10’ as ‘5’ is at
the centre.
- Relate the number 544, 378 and 404 to get
the answer of 570. (I forgot the number for the 5_4 and 3_8, so I use 544
and 378 here.)
In my group, we solved the
solution in these ways:
(a) 544-378+404=570
(b) 544+404-378=570
We only found
and used the method of addition and subtraction within limited time given. I
wonder there still have other solutions for this question or not. ==’’
- The question is very long. So I decided to
use diagram to explain the question.
A Lamborghini car moves with
speed/velocity of 210 km/h and a Ferrari car moves oppositely with
speed/velocity of 190 km/h. At initial, the distance between two cars is 400km.
A fly moves with speed/velocity of 800 km/h from the side where Lamborghini car
starts the journey to Ferrari car and turns back to Lamborghini car when
reaching Ferrari car and repeat moving oppositely when reaching each of both
cars. How long is the distance moved by the fly when both cars meet at one
point? (I’m sorry if you don’t understand my translated version of the
In my group, I provided my solution
at the last second because nobody could solve this problem within a very short
time. My solution there is:
Assume that
both cars and the fly move with constant speed/velocity. (I know it is
impossible to happen but Physics accept it)
In 1 hour,
Lamborghini car will move with distance of 210 km and Ferrari car will move
with distance of 190 km oppositely. 2 cars will meet at one point in an hour.
So, the fly will have moved with distance of 800 km at the moment both cars meet at one point, which the time
taken is 1 hour.
Actually, I noticed that the
question is not logic at all when I read the question. Firstly, how can a fly
moves with extreme speed (800km/h)? Secondly, when the fly wants to change its
direction during its move, there is a turning point. At the turning point, its
velocity will be zero (v=0, used in Form 5 Add Math). Thus, it is very
difficult to get the answer within a limited time. At last, the interviewer
told us that the suggested answer given is the fly is very tired to fly and so
it stops flying. Ha! ==”
The second section of the
interview was a debate. We could only use BM to discuss and reveal our
opinions. The topic is “Keruntuhan moral
remaja banyak dipengaruhi oleh media masa.” Each of us is needed to give 2
main points and some facts as well as the latest issues are required to support
our ideas. There was no winner in the debate. I knew that I ought to speak
loudly and fluently but I didn’t! My brain had become ‘degenerated’ as I did
not study for a long time after SPM exam. @@ So I was not capable of using the
bombastic words but keep using the same words to reveal my ideas.
For the third section, English
language is the only language to be used. The theme for the forum is Climate Changes (with picture of
occurrence of drought). Since I want to be a chemical and environmental
engineer, I know the effort of saving the Mother Earth from being damaged by
pollution to prevent climate change very well but on the spot I had no courage
to chip in with my ideas. The topics we discussed are the causes, effects and
ways to overcome and prevent it. We were suggested to integrate creativity into
the performance of our ideas such as using tables or mind-mapping. I had
written many ideas on the paper but I didn’t have chance to express it. For
example, the formation of deserts region due to the depletion of ozone layer as
well as the occurrence of ozone holes, a rise in sea levels due to the melting
of polar ice caps and glaciers and changes in wind direction and the
distribution of rainfall due to global warming. During the presentation, the
interviewers asked some mind-challenging questions to test the candidates. For
instance, what do you think why water distribution is still carried on in
Selangor although raining heavily for hours almost every day recently?
Every candidate was provided
with an A4 paper in each section. We were given about several minutes to
prepare (5 min for mind-challenging section) (10 min for BM debate) (30 min for
English forum). But, we were the last team and so we were only given 10-15 min
to prepare (in my opinion as I didn’t have a watch to check the time). For the mind-challenging
section and English forum, we had to show our solution and ideas on the
whiteboard and present them.
We went back to the waiting room
to take back our documents. We were allowed to go home after packing all the
things we brought to there.
This is my first time to
interview and I got a lot of experience there. Before interviewing, I felt
extremely anxious and nervous. Yet, I wasn’t in fear at all during
interviewing. Nevertheless, I was still incapable of speaking fluently with
good words and correct grammar. Hopefully, I can get JPA scholarship to study
abroad to Korea to fulfil my ambition!
That’s all for the interview.
Here, I wish to share why I wish to choose chemical engineering and study in
Korea. (I had prepared some answers for these questions which may be asked by
the interviewers like the past years. But, they didn’t ask it. Haiz.) I wish to
take chemical engineering because I want to do my part to safeguard our Earth,
leaving a clean Earth to the next generation. Therefore, I hope to invent many
environmental-friendly products and machines that can help to reduce pollution.
For example, a gadget that is capable of converting hazardous gases like
sulphur dioxide and oxides of nitrogen to harmless nitrogen gas and useful
Here are some reasons why I wish
to choose studying overseas to Korea rather than to other countries (Japan,
France and Germany). According to the QS (Quacquarelli Symonds) World
University Rankings by Subject 2014, the universities in France and Germany are
not listed for the top 25 in the world for chemical engineering. Whereas, there
are 2 universities from Japan and Korea being ranked respectively. This shows
that the quality of education and technology in Japan and Korea is quite better
than in France and Germany (in my opinion). Besides, France and Germany are too
far from our country compared to Japan and Korea. French and German are more
difficult to learn too. Between Japan and Korea, I choose Korea because firstly
the living expenses and tuition fees for studying in Korea is cheaper. Next,
Japan is a high risk zone as disasters like tsunami and earthquake are more
frequently happened there. Radiation leakage which may happen there too will
cause mutation and threaten students’ lives. Furthermore, foods sold in Korea
are cheaper and healthier. So, I choose Korea and wish to study in Seoul
National University or KAIST – Korea Advanced Institute of Science and
Technology if I can.
Here are some analyses for the
questions asked by the interviewers.
- Self introduction – Answer the questions asked by the interviewers.
- Question Part
you proud to be a Malaysian?
you finish your studies, what would you like to develop in your country
especially in your state?
what assurance, would you be back to Malaysia after you graduated?
perkembangan dalam bidang aeroangkasa di negara kita dan bagaimanakah cara
untuk kita memperkasakan bidang itu?
country do you apply and why do you want to go there? Tell the names of the
university that you would like to enrol.
- Self introduction – Answer the questions asked by the interviewers.
- Theme of the issues discussed
Malaysia concept
to catalyse national economic growth
of engineering you choose
to prevent the haze phenomenon in Malaysia
to enhance the sense of belonging among the young generations (A picture of the
National Statue was given)
B: (Reference:
according to my friend’s sister)
- Why we have to support the products made in Malaysia?
- Why you wish to take the course of engineering you want?
2014 (Reference: My
- Mind-challenging question (Maths and Physics)
- BM debate with topic of ‘Keruntuhan moral remaja banyak dipengaruhi
oleh media masa.’
- English forum with theme of ‘Climate Changes’
Conclusion: (forecast
themes and question for the next year)
- Maths and Physics questions (It is better to memorise the formulae
used in SPM)
- Themes about Malaysia (Causes, ways, effects) – unity of races,
sports, tourism, Malaysia-made products, economics (deficit),
transportation, quality of education, environment, etc.
- Themes about Generation-Y (Causes, ways, effects)
- Which engineering course do you want to take? Give your reason(s).
- Which country (German, France, Japan, Korea) do you apply? Give your
博文 (Atom)